UNEP FI: Events: Launch of Financing Renewable Energy in Developing Countries: Drivers and Barriers for Private Finance in sub-Saharan Africa

Smart public policies are key to powering up sub-Saharan’s Africa’s clean energy potential, said the head of UNEP Achim Steiner while unveiling UNEP Finance Initiative’s latest report in Nairobi.

In doing so, millions can be lifted out of poverty and the sustainable development potential of the continent far sooner realized, says the report, which was released at UNEP headquarters in Nairobi, Kenya, to mark the Africa launch of the United Nations 2012 International Year of Sustainable Energy for All.


More information here:

UNEP FI: Events: Launch of Financing Renewable Energy in Developing Countries: Drivers and Barriers for Private Finance in sub-Saharan Africa.

Vote for civil society observers to the Climate Investment Funds

The vote for civil society observers to the Climate Investment Funds (CIFs) is now OPEN.

Civil societies can vote fo organization that will be there representing clean and efficient fossil fueled and renewable climate change solutions.

To cast your ballot, follow this link:

After you fill out a brief registration form, a separate link to the ballot will be emailed directly to you. Follow that link and log in using the same email address you used to register.

To be eligible to vote, you must be a member of a non-profit civil society organization (CSO) or network involved in issues of climate change. CSOs are invited to vote for candidates from their geographic region (Africa, Asia, Developed Countries, and Latin America).

Voting will remain open until Tuesday, January 24, 11:59 pm GMT.

Please contact cifobservers if you have questions on the voting process.

For more information on the civil society observer selection process, please visit www.resolv.org/cif